The Art of Intimacy - weekend | also via Zoom


Vedanta Aspioti

zo 19/05 18:00


Info and registration:



Interview on You Tube

Individual session

Healing the Inner Child and Creating Love and True Connection.

We invite you to this retreat of the Pearl in Relationships and Relating, in Den Haag and online on ZOOM. This retreat is also open for those that did not attend previous Essence retreats. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Essence is the very fabric of our Soul. When we experience our Essence we have the sense of wholeness. In contrast, the lack of contact with our Essence gives us a sense that we have lost our way home, that we have lost our paradise. We are born full of Essence and free of any conditioning. As time passes and childhood programming settles into our system, we gradually lose the connection to our Essence. We then live in a paradoxical state of existence: we are Essence and yet we do not know it.

In this group we will continue to look at the emotional anatomy of relationships and relating and we will deepen into our issues around building and creating trust in intimate relationships.

We will zoom into our developmental history of childhood and how we relive it in our relating today in our coupleship, in our erotic relationships and in our friendships. The way we relate simply is a repetition of our first relationships with mother and father. The same way, we carry along our hang-ups, childhood arrests and regression in all our relating and relationships today. We will bring our awareness to our fixed patterns that stem from our past, in order to heal the pain of alienation that prevents us from enjoying our life.

In this workshop we will become aware of some of our disconnection from the Essential vehicle of the Pearl. The Pearl is this aspect of our personal Essence that enables us to be embodied, to be a real person and have honest and meaningful contact with others. We will receive the right tools in order to progress and heal from our disconnect. We will be able to integrate more aspects of our Pearl in order to build more Essential Structure.

Friday: 19:00 - 22:00

Saturday: 8:00 - 18:00 with night session 20:30 - 22:00

Sunday: 8:00 - 18:00 (with morning break, lunch break)