Creating Love and True Connection - weekend


Vedanta Aspioti

zo 17/03 18:00


Info and registration:



Interview on You Tube

Individual session

We invite you to participate in this retreat in which we will explore the Essential vehicle of the Pearl in relationship.

Essence is the very fabric of our Soul. When we experience our Essence we have the sense of wholeness. In contrast, the lack of contact with our Essence gives us a sense that we have lost our way home, that we have lost our paradise. We are born full of Essence and free of any conditioning. As time passes and childhood programming settles into our system, we gradually lose the connection to our Essence. We then live in a paradoxical state of existence: we are Essence and yet we do not know it.

In this group, we will have a look at the way we are relating. We will explore our capacity to relate and how we form our intimate relationships.

In this workshop, we will zoom in to the emotional anatomy of relationships and relating. We will see how our conditioning, our attachment history and childhood wounds are influencing our capacity to trust, to connect, to bond, to receive and give love, to be open, and risk to be vulnerable in front of another.

We will focus on the elements that cause our frustration, deprivation, and dissatissfaction in giving and receiving. We will experience how we have lost our connection to our vulnerability, leading us to the land of mistrust and isolation.

We will start learning again how to create and build trust, how to create intimacy by showing our true face and sharing our authentic feelings and emotions. This is the way we will regain the access and restore the Essential vehicle of the Pearl in our system. The Pearl is enabling us to be embodied and be able to relate and have. true contact with others. This workshop is giving us the tools to find our Pearl.